Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thoughts from Raegan

I'm so excited today as we have entered into what I call Gods country. Some people love the beach but I am a mountain girl! I started to see the colors of fall and my heart leapt. The kids said it looks like someone spray painted the trees and I said "I know right!!! God has the best spray paint", these are the moments that remind me how incredible our God is. So naturally it made me want to worship our almighty Creator, music on and next thing you know we are singing Indescribable. From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring every creature unique in the song that it sings, Indescribable!!! At one time in my life I would have been super worried and fearful about driving across the country in an rv that was made when I was 5, but today I find myself resting in Gods arms and enjoying the adventure at hand!

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