Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 3. Raegans perspective

Day 3 on the road....well last night we pushed to get to Twin Falls, ID because we wanted less of a drive today and Nevada I have to say is a very unadventerous state unless you like gambling. Which was really sad to us how every city is based on gambling, the kids were blown away that you could gamble in the gas stations. Anyway we ended up at the Walmart parking lot in Twin Falls and hit the coldest weather yet. We woke up this morning to 40 degrees, we are not in California anymore! I'm not sure I prepared properly for the northwest!!!!! Soooo needless to say Walmart is brilliant for allowing RVs because we definitely went and spent more in their store then we would have spent at an rv park for the night!!! While driving out of the town we crossed a bridge and saw the most beautiful gorge! Had to stop for a photo op. Finally on the road again, Grand Teton national park here we come!

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