Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Home Stretch

Dry grasses, construction every 5 miles and high gas prices. Oh, the joys of California. Almost home.

And knowing we are headed to our own beds and real porcelain toilets in a house where the sewer lines are clogged and our neighbors are petitioning to close down His ministry we still have peace.

It's the peace of God that surpasses understanding. And it truly does. We long to be back with our community of Christ. I feel pauls heart when he cried " oh, how I long to be with you!". And we yearn to return to His ministry field, to the people he has called us to because he loves them. And we love them too.

This whole trip has been amazing, we wish it could last forever. But there is a great tug on our hearts, one that keeps us up at nights, keeps us restless and agonizing in prayer. It's knowing that there is a lost people's who need to hear the Gospel, a broken city that he wants to restore and a people needing a shepherd.

Almost home.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Solitude, or not so much

Solitude was the name of the float trip company that Dave found for us to go on a boating trip with down the Snake River. When I first heard the idea I was a little nervous because the last thing I wanted to do was get wet in the cold weather. After being assured that this was no white water rafting trip, I was in.

Upon arrival at the meeting point we realized there were a lot of people who take this float trip which is where the solitude not so much comes in. While waiting for our boats turn to enter the water I am thinking that's a pretty small boat for all 14 of us but I was happy that we weren't with the guides from the other company that were downing miller lites. We did have some talkers on our boat but Cicileo's can hold their own when it comes to that!

Once we settled into the time it was so relaxing and beautiful. We saw 8 bald eagles and learned that they don't get the white on their heads and tails until they are around 4 or 5 years old. The rest of the trip was full of different kinds of birds and many signs of beaver. Then around one of the curves of the river we saw a herd of bison, they definitely stole the show!

It turned out to be a breathtaking, wonderful time for the family but it all got us thinking about solitude and what a lost art it is. So much of our prayer time is spent with us talking to God and not so much of us "floating with him in solitude" to hear his voice, to see his power, to know his character.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Haste makes Waste

This morning we wanted to be packed and out of camp by 8. It's a lot more work then you would think to pack up an RV and hit the road. Anyways, we almost have it down to a science. Elijah puts away the toys. I (Dave) put up the jacks and move the Rv so we can pack up the blocks and get the mechanical stuff put away. We can do it in 15-20 minutes, which is super fast.

So I was super excited that we were making good time. We already made and ate breakfast, packed up our beds and we were right on time. I put up the front jack and move the RV off the blocks.


The only problem was I forgot to put up the rear jacks! Dang it. The ultimate novice mistake.

I look under the back of the rig and the jacks are twisted and bent. Not to mention the fact that they were holding up the back 6" and now the weight of the rv is crushing them. I was so bummed.

Raegan asked what happened and when I told her she just smiled and said "haste makes waste". Though I was frustrated that I just broke my jacks that I only got to use three times, I had to laugh.
She was right.

So I was able to save one of the jacks, but it's gonna need some welding. And the other jack might be able to be saved, we'll see. Another 15 minutes and I had the mangled jack removed and the other one raised. I guess this is a lesson we had to learn the hard way.

Another start to a great day! Super excited to hike at the grand Teton mountain and then off to Yellowstone to meet friends.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Being watchful and alert

In the bible it talks about being watchful and alert to the schemes of the enemy, we learned today that it is important to also be watchful and alert when hiking in the forest!

Before lunch we decided to take a hike and for most of the time we were following a trail that looked like many hikers had traveled time and again. For those of you who know Dave Cicileo this was just not exciting enough. So after about 45 mins of the amazing, safe, low-risk trail it was time for a little more adventure. Next thing I know, we are following our mighty leader up a trail that he is carving out up the hill. Not to far into this little adventure we happen upon some scat (poop, big poop at that), we all stop to examine it and then agree that it belonged to a bear (a big bear at that!). As we continue up the mountain I'm thinking that looks pretty dang fresh and about that time our fearless leader shushes us, looks around, grabs Hannah under his arm, and starts leading us swiftly back down the mountain all within one fluid movement. Instead of getting back on the trail we head straight down past the trail and end up out in the open on the beach of the lake still in silence. After walking a few feet on the rocky beach we all let out a sigh and Hannah says "I have to go pee," she had no clue what just happened!

After talking it out Dave said he saw more poop after the first and also noticed the freshness of it. Once he got thinking about it, he heard noises that alerted him and as he looked around he saw that much of the brush was laid down on the forest floor which is a sign of a bear rolling around. Quickly these things flashed through his mind and off we went!

Praise you Lord that your word applies to every area of our life!

Does it get any better?

I had one of those mornings that I woke up earlier then I'd have liked and found myself wide awake. As I lay there I just knew I needed to get up and spend some time with my Lord. So I made some coffee and headed outside to read the word. It was about 35 degrees outside so I made a fire too.

I couldnt hardly focus on reading because I was in such awe of creation. So I turned on some worship music and just sat. What an amazing God we love and serve!

We forget about God so often and we don't realize how many things distract us from resting in Him. Tv, video games, radio, work, friends and activities...even some of the good things we do distract us from resting in our maker. It's sad and it breaks my heart to know that I allow those things to keep me from the ultimate, Jesus.

We don't often just listen to the rustling of trees or the chirp of birds. We don't just sit and enjoy the colors of the sky. But this is something I want more of in my life. I want to worship my creator more. I want to see him in creation. I want to be a worshiper!