Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day one, Reno or Bust.

We finally hit the road at about 9 pm.  Way too late, but we are off and thats what matters!!!  We stopped for dinner at Panda Express and then got Groceries for the trip.  We forgot to grab food from our kitchen at home, so the grocery trip almost broke the bank!!.

10:30 pm and we are not even out of Stockton yet.  About 10 minutes into the drive, I told Raegan I felt like it had been hours.  We were not off to a good start yet. 

It was smooth driving on the road the whole way there, except that exhaust was leaking into the cab, which smelled real bad. So we drove the whole way with the windows down.

Finally at 1:30am we roll into Reno, exhausted.  Road construction sent us on another 20 minute detour. Rolled into the Grand Sierra RV site, we already had a spot. Set up the RV, jacks down, in about 5 minutes and closed the curtains.

We hit the hay at 2am and had no trouble falling to sleep. What a blessed trip this is going to be.

Day two is off to a good start, coffee made, slept in till 8:30 and we have free internet.  Gonna try to fix the exhaust smell before we leave.  Oh how I love the 30 year old RV.  Thanks Royal T for a safe trip so far.

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